Remember the days when we weren’t tied to our mobile phones, reality TV didn’t exist, and watermelon had seeds? Over 50 years ago, when seedless watermelons came about, farmers thought it would make the fruit easier to eat, not having to spit a seed or two out with every bite. While they aren’t truly “seedless” (they contain small, white seeds that haven’t yet matured to be black seeds), watermelon eaters have mixed emotions in the seeds vs. no seeds debate.

I won’t say that I prefer seeded over seedless or vice-versa, but it is possible to find seeded watermelon if you know where to look.

MATTHEW L. OF INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA ASKS: Where can I get seeded watermelon? I would like to have them shipped to me or I’ll pick them up.


I hear you loud and clear, Matthew. It seems like all you can find these days are seedless watermelons, but every now and then, for old time’s sake, it would be nice to have one with seeds, right?

While the seedless and mini varieties have taken over in popularity and demand, there certainly are still many folks who grow and sell the seeded watermelons, oblong in shape, chock full of black seeds. I get a lot of comments from people who remember the long, sweet watermelons of their youth and do not think that the seedless varieties are as good, but there is no science that supports the notion that a seeded watermelon is sweeter than a seedless.

If you really have a yearning for seeded watermelons, there are two things you can do: 1) check your local farmers markets and 2) talk to your local produce manager at your grocery store. He can take the request up to the store’s buyers. If a buyer believes that his customers will buy a seeded watermelon, he’ll be more apt to supply for the store. If he won’t stock
seeded watermelon (which isn’t likely), ask him if he knows where you might find some.

It’s also worth noting that the preference for seeded vs. seedless watermelon really depends upon the country you live in. In Brazil, for example, watermelons with seeds reign supreme, and folks down there probably ask, “Hey, where can I get watermelons without seeds?!”

REMEMBER: All comments left on the blog this month are entered to win our October prize — the watermelon welcome mat — so comment as often as you’d like!


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The Watermelon Guy: