I consider myself a pretty patriotic guy. On a scale of one to 10, I’d say I’m about a nine. The only thing keeping me from a perfect red, white and blue patriotism score is an American flag tattoo on my right arm, but I’ll have that someday.

As a man who’s proud of his country, I’m excited about the fourth of July. Another reason to get excited on this Independence Day? It’s the 200th anniversary of the Star Spangled Banner.

To celebrate America’s national anthem and watermelon’s own patriotic roots, the National Watermelon Promotion Board has created a summer promotion called Star Spangled Watermelon. As you can see from the Star Spangled Watermelon website, it’s filled with recipes, carvings and trivia, all of which offer a summertime salute to America.

The fun doesn’t end there, either. There’s also a sweepstakes and a Facebook promotion with giveaways and prizes. (Be sure to LIKE watermelon on Facebook so you don’t miss out!)

Among the prizes is a very cool watermelon quilt, which will be given away to THREE fans. (Three fans will EACH receive a quilt. They won’t cut up one quilt and divide it among three fans. That wouldn’t be much fun.) To enter, just visit the Star Spangled Watermelon sweepstakes page and share the best part about your Star Spangled Summer.

Unfortunately, one of the prizes isn’t a tattoo of a watermelon with an American flag sticking out of it, which means I’m on my own when it comes to that dream.

Categories: General Prizes
The Watermelon Guy:

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  • After the winter we’ve had, I can’t wait for summer. Warm/Hot weather, picnics, cookouts, AHHHHHHH summer can’t wait for June 21, 2014 to get here.