I don’t know if this photo is real, but it’s definitely awesome. Think about it: If those are 15-pound watermelon, and there are 80 watermelon in there, that’s 1,200 pounds of cargo in the back of that old station wagon. Actually, based on that estimate alone, I might be inclined to think that this photo is fake, but cars were built a little tougher back then, so maybe they really did get half a ton of produce in there.

It actually reminds me of when I got out of the Navy about 15 years ago and drove home from Connecticut with everything I owned in the back of a 1973 Monte Carlo. My belongings consisted mostly of stereo equipment and clothing – no watermelon – but it was still a fun six-hour drive.

Hopefully, the owners of the car in this photo don’t have a six-hour trip ahead of them, because I really don’t think that old blue beast could handle it. As the driver, I couldn’t handle it, either. I’d leave with 80 watermelon and arrive at my destination with 75. That’s a long drive, and you gotta eat, right?

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The Watermelon Guy: