I gave away a watermelon piñata last June. By now, I’m sure it’s been smashed to bits by an eight-year-old with a wicked follow-through. That’s why I’ve decided to give another piñata away as our third weekly National Watermelon Month prize. I’ll choose one comment at random from all the comments left on the blog this week to receive this party-pleaser.

Like I said last time, please resist the temptation to fill this piñata with actual pieces of watermelon. Yes, it would be funny, but it’s not the best use of delicious watermelon. Instead, try filling it with yummy watermelon-flavored candy.

I’m a sucker for watermelon candy, so you can be sure that when this piñata breaks open, I’ll be the first person on the floor, stuffing my pockets with the tasty treats. All those kids better bring their A-game.

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy: