Spring is here, which means more baseball games, more camping trips and more picnics at the lake. The only problem with the picnic is that the watermelon usually doesn’t fit into the picnic basket.

Instead of just tossing the watermelon into the back of the car, or running the risk of dropping the watermelon and having it roll into the lake, you might consider carrying it in a watermelon sling.

The smart folks over at thekitchn.com posted instructions on how to build a simple watermelon sling. Their diagram and an excerpt from the instructions are posted below. That’s a drawing of a watermelon sitting on top of a square towel, just in case you were wondering.

Using your average and most basic knot, tie corners 1 & 3 together. Next, tie corners 2 & 4 down over the first knot. Once more tie 1 & 3 to hold the whole thing tight. You will now be able to pick up all 4 corners and sling it over your shoulder (like a continental soldier) as you head out the door. The knots keep the watermelon from rolling around the floorboard or seats of your car as you drive to your destination and the sling is easy to pick up by its handles.  

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy:

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