This photo pops up now and then when I search for pictures of watermelon and animals, so I’ve decided to feature it here on the blog.

I’m not really sure what’s going on in this image. Why is the watermelon in the lake? Better yet, why is the cat in the lake? And why is he pawing at that watermelon like he’s trying to roll it onto the shore?  These are good questions, but I’m afraid we’ll probably never know the answers. In lieu of the real explanation, I’ve decided to come up with my own story about the “Cat, Watermelon, Lake” photo (as told from the photographer’s point of view):

“It was a nice day, so we decided to go to the lake for a picnic and maybe hit the paddleboats. When we got there, we found a good spot and unpacked our lunches. I brought a watermelon because you can’t have a picnic without watermelon, right? Just then, a cat ran between my legs, startling me and causing me to drop the watermelon.

Before I could regain my composure, the watermelon had rolled down the shore and into the lake! I wasn’t about to let that watermelon just float away, so I started to take off my shoes and roll up my pant legs. Just then, the cat reappeared. I guess he felt bad about causing me to drop the watermelon, because the little guy dove right into the lake and began pushing the watermelon back onto the shore!

I couldn’t believe my eyes, and I knew no one would buy the story, so I snapped a picture with my phone just as the cat was finishing his rescue. I decided to show my appreciation by giving the cat half of my tuna fish sandwich, but by the time I turned around, he had disappeared!”

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy: