I thought long and hard about writing another New Year’s resolution entry and flip-flopped on the topic until this very morning. You see, I don’t have the best track record when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, a fact that many longtime What About Watermelon readers already know.

I have no problem making resolutions, mind you. In fact, I’m the best New Year’s resolution maker on my street (and probably in my entire neighborhood). It’s the keeping of the resolution that I struggle with so mightily. That’s all going to change this year, because instead of making 27 different self-improvement promises, I’m making only one:

This year, I resolve to finally, once and for all, fulfill my lifelong dream of being a contestant in a watermelon seed-spitting contest.

I realize I’ve resolved to accomplish this dream in the past and failed at it, but the reason for my failure was pretty simple: There were no watermelon seed-spitting contests for me to enter.

To fix that, my 2012 resolution includes the much larger task of organizing a seed spitting contest. (Yes, I’m going to be a contestant in my own contest. It’s a little unorthodox, but we’re talking about a lifelong dream here, so let’s not get bogged down with formalities.)

I’ll chronicle the process of creating my own seed-spitting contest with a series of monthly entries here on the blog. That process includes finding a venue (I’ve got a few local county fairs in mind), pitching the idea to those in charge, promoting the contest, securing sponsors and prizes, and figuring out all the details that go into executing a successful watermelon seed-spitting contest.

Of course, amidst all that hoopla and planning, I’ll be training and practicing for my own run at the watermelon seed-spitting title. I’ll keep you updated on that process as well.

Wish me luck … it’s going to be a busy year!

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy: