To help celebrate Thanksgiving (November 24), I’ll post a new recipe every Friday in November (including the Friday after Thanksgiving). But these won’t be the usual Thanksgiving recipes. The recipes I’ll be posting are designed to help you out of various Thanksgiving dilemmas – like this one. 

THE DILEMMA: Your eyes were bigger than your guests’ stomachs when you planned your Thanksgiving feast and now your fridge is packed with leftovers. You just had to buy a 35-pound turkey, didn’t you?

THE SOLUTION: The Turkey and Watermelon Sandwich

WHY IT WORKS: Because watermelon is awesome and leftover turkey sandwiches are awesome, which means the day after Thanksgiving is pretty awesome, too.

THE RECIPE: A light dusting of mild chili powder and honey mustard takes sweet watermelon in a whole new direction. This is a sweet and spicy sandwich. (NOTE: The version of this recipe on the National Watermelon Promotion Board website uses thinly sliced pork loin, but turkey works equally well in this case.)

  • 1 poppy seed or Kaiser roll, split
  • 1 dash honey mustard to taste
  • Sliced turkey
  • 1 slice watermelon, about 3/4-inch thick and the size of the roll
  • 1/2 teaspoon mild chili powder
  • 2 ounces fresh baby greens

INSTRUCTIONS: Spread honey mustard liberally over the inside of the roll and layer the turkey over the bottom piece. Sprinkle the watermelon with chili powder and place over the turkey. Top the watermelon with the greens and cover with the roll top.

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy: