Hey Chef Harry!

We’ve just had a BBQ and we’ve got loads of watermelon left! We were wondering, which of our fridges would be best to store the watermelon in? We have a black fridge we bought in 2006 and a more recent silver fridge, bought in 2009. The watermelon is cut into cubes and in a container. So, which fridge would you suggest we put the watermelon in?


That’s quite a dilemma you’ve got there, Tom. I relayed your question to Chef Harry, and here’s what he had to say:

I’ve always found green fridges to provide the best environment for watermelon. Maybe it’s because they look like giant watermelons! Seriously though, either refrigerator should be fine, as long it’s capable of keeping the temperature somewhere between 37 to 39 degrees Fahrenheit (3 to 4 degrees Celsius) for cut watermelon and 45 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit (7 to 13 degrees Celsius) for whole watermelon.

Another option to consider is what’s being stored in the fridge with the watermelon. Since watermelon has the uncanny ability to absorb the flavors of the things around it (which is what makes it a great addition to salads and other meals), you’ll probably want to avoid putting it in a fridge that’s also being used to store several pounds of sliced onions or garlic. From your photo, however, it looks like you’ve got the watermelon in a nice, air tight container (good job!), which should eliminate any risk of “flavor contamination.”

As for what to do with the leftovers, I suggest pureeing them and making watermelon lemonade or sangria. Watermelon makes a naturally sweet and super healthy beverage, and you’d be amazed at how quickly it can be consumed!”

So there you have it – either fridge is good, as long as it’s doing its job of keeping things properly cooled. If you want my two cents, I’d keep the leftovers in the newer refrigerator because there’s less chance of the fridge breaking down in the middle of the night, which would leave you with a fridge full of ruined food in the morning. I know the “older” fridge is only five years old, but if it were my watermelon, that’s a chance I wouldn’t be willing to take!


The Watermelon Guy

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