MINDY K. OF CLEVELAND, OH, ASKS: I see the watermelon recipes on the blog and they all look so good, but I don’t know where to start when it comes to choosing a recipe. Do you have any suggestions? What are your favorite watermelon recipes?

I hear you, Mindy. I get the same option paralysis with certain 20-page restaurant menus. Burgers, pizzas, pasta, steaks – how am I supposed to choose just one? I’m the same way with watermelon recipes. I’ve been meaning to incorporate watermelon into my meals and cook with it more often, but when it comes time to choose a recipe, I can’t seem to make up my mind. Of those I did make up my mind on, these are my favorites:

  • Watermelon Stacked Pancakes – It’s really just pancakes – which I love, and prepare two or three times a month for breakfast and/or dinner – topped with diced watermelon. It doesn’t get much easier than that.


  • BCWTP – This version of the classic BLT includes bacon, cheese, watermelon, tomato and pesto. ‘Nuff said.


  • Watermelon Cheddar Burgers – I’m a burger fanatic, so this one makes the list by default. It gets tons of bonus points for the lightly grilled slice of watermelon.


  • Watermelon Pizza – I don’t care if this recipe is in the kids’ section of the website. It’s fun and delicious, and that’s all that matters. I also like it because, just like real pizza, you can customize it with all sorts of toppings.


The common denominator in all of those recipes is that they’re extremely simple to prepare, which is a plus for me. You can find all of them on the National Watermelon Promotion Board’s website, along with many, many other recipes both simple and more complicated.

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy: