The 97th annual convention of the National Watermelon Association is coming up later this month. Being a mover and shaker in the watermelon industry, I’m expecting an invitation to arrive in the mail any day now. I’ve checked my mailbox twice daily for the past two months and still no invitation. It’s okay, though. I’m so busy all the time with all my other important watermelon stuff, I couldn’t go even if I did get an invite.

Instead, I’ll offer a preview of the convention with today’s entry. The convention kicks off on Wednesday in California. In between all the speeches by the most important people in the watermelon industry (except for me), there will be lots of fun activities (which I won’t be participating in). The description on the NWA website says it all:

“The Wednesday events are awesome. Golf at Torrey Pines, paint and design your own pottery and a chartered cruise in San Diego Harbor on a private yacht! Thusday holds an amazing Watermelon Fair and come Friday, the auction items are really unusual this year. Let’s not forget the Saturday Banquet, awards and honors. All in all, the 2011 convention in San Diego will be full of fun!”

I’m told by an inside source that the watermelon fair will feature the usual fun and games, but it will also feature deep-fried watermelon. You read that right. Deep-fried watermelon.

Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to check my mailbox one more time for that invitation. If it arrives today, I guess I could make it out to California in time. My assistant would have to move some things around in my busy schedule, but I think we could make it happen.

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy: