MARY L. FROM TOPEKA, KANSAS ASKS: Hi Watermelon Guy! My mother LOVES watermelon stuff and since you’re a watermelon lover too I wanted to ask you… what’s a good watermelon gift for the watermelon lover who has everything?


Great question. I especially like it because it forces me to go online and shop for all sorts of watermelon-related stuff in search of the perfect watermelon gift. When it comes to gifts for the watermelon lover who has everything (actually, this advice applies to fans of any type of thing), my best advice is to buy consumable gifts. That way, if it’s something they might already have, they’ll eventually need more of it and your gift is guaranteed to come in handy.

Some good consumable watermelon gifts include things like watermelon jam, pickled watermelon rinds (an acquired taste), or watermelon skin creams. If you want to go all out, you might consider putting together a gift basket chock full of consumable watermelon gifts (you can even throw in some assorted watermelon-flavored candies).

One gift that I think any watermelon lover would appreciate (and chances are they don’t have already) is a watermelon growing kit. You can build your own kit by purchasing pots and soil and seeds or buy a kit with all the stuff you need for about $10 on Amazon.com.

If you’re looking for a watermelon gift with a little more staying power, I’d suggest a trip to Etsy.com. Just search for watermelon stuff and you’ll find all sorts of unique handmade crafts and jewelry. I suggest something simple, like the watermelon brooch pictured at the top of this entry ($13 here). I’m sure your mom will love it. Let me know how your shopping adventures turn out!

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The Watermelon Guy: