MARIE ASKS: I have a very large watermelon and want to cut it into small wedges for a picnic. What’s the easiest way to cut it?
Good question, Marie. There are many ways to wedge a large watermelon, but the easiest way is cut the watermelon in half and then cut 1- to 2-inch thick slices off the exposed end of one of the halves. Then take this 1- or 2-inch thick watermelon “wheel,” lay it down and cut it into wedges like a pizza. You can do big wedges or small wedges. It’s up to you. I’m a visual learner myself, so I drew the attached illustration to give you an idea of what I’m talking about. Please don’t make fun of my artistic skills!
For medium size watermelons, I use a slightly different method, like the one in the video below, except you’d skip the step in the middle that separates the flesh from the rind. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the info. It’ll come in handy next time I’m feeding family.
I want to grow sweet watermelons, but I need compact varieties. I also want a crop that’ll provide me seeds for the next year. What varieties do you suggest?