CECELIA WRITES: I am a diabetic and I love watermelon. Is there a high sugar content in it, and if so what amount can I eat?
That said, the good news is that diabetics do not need to give up carbohydrates, including sugar. Even more important is that naturally occurring sugars in fruits like watermelon come packaged with so many other health-enhancing compounds (fiber, lycopene, and vitamins A and C), which make watermelon a healthy inclusion in all diets.
The key for you is balancing carbohydrates during meals and snack time. That balance should be decided with the help of your personal dietitian. Making sure the carbohydrates you do eat come from healthful, real foods – like watermelon! – is the key to total health and weight management.
Thanks for your question, and I hope this helps!
Elizabeth Somer, Registered Dietician*
*Please contact your local dietician for personalized advice regarding any particular health concern you may have.
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One should be given a chance of choosing watermelon juice with added pomegranate, acerola and dates to give a healthy, nutritious and exciting natural juice. If such combination is available in market, may please make it know to all for Heart Health and other uncountable benefits
can i get a good reason juicing watermelon doesn't have impact on the blood sugar?