In my monthly search for quotes, I’ve discovered that there are basically four types: Quotes about sports, quotes about food, quotes about family, and quotes about everything else. Today’s “quotable watermelon” line fits two of those categories.
It’s 100 percent true that food tastes better when you enjoy it with family or friends. Have you ever eaten a double bacon cheeseburger alone? It’s good, but it’s not great. It’s sort of like watching old episodes of Seinfeld by yourself. Still funny, but you laugh out loud a little less often.
As you can see, I’ve changed the quote to make it more specific. Watermelon is definitely better with friends and family there to enjoy it with you. That’s especially true for me. Some of my fondest watermelon memories were from my childhood. At family reunions we’d get a watermelon – the kind with the big black seeds – and I’d torment my brother by spitting seeds at him until he got so mad he’d throw his watermelon rind in my direction and end up hitting my Uncle Charlie in the back of the head. Ahh, the good old days.
I still enjoy watermelon with family, and even though it’s the seedless kind, it’s still fun. Does my brother still throw rinds at me? Yes. Is his aim still horrible? You bet.
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